We all watched the kick off on live stream remotely on January 8th, 2022. We then spent the next day planning our strategy for the coming season.
Author: norah.garland
Halloween Outreach
Sunday, October 31, 2021 our robotics team went out to Dunbarton town square and set up our tent and gave out candy while talking to kids in the community about our club.
Ice Cream Outreach
4-H out reach at beech hill farm on Saturday, October 23, 2021. We did our thing setting up a field and showing people our robot.
Hopkinton Fair
We were at the Hopkinton fair this year in the exabit hall! We were there Friday-Monday for most of the day. We had an interactive display where we had people driving our past robots around so they got to see them in action for themselves. We handed out business cards for people to get in contact with us and/or learn more about team and FIRST. There was a huge crowd of people and we had everyone who wanted to drive, either one or both, of our robots; or they just watched and we got to tell a lot of people about FIRST, and our team. We gained a huge amount of new members and was our most successful out reach. The 4-hers were impressed with our interactive exabits and plan on doing more of them in the future, going as far as making plans to restructure the 4-h exabit hall at the Hopkinton fair to make it easier to do interactive exabits.

Old Home Day
We attended the Old Home Day celebration introducing many people to our robotics team in our brightly colored tent. We had both of our robots from the past two years there and we were switching them out so that the kids got to see both of them at work. Kids who stopped by got to drive the robot and work with the other person to move the blocks around and shoot the rings into the goal.

Boy Scouts Outreach
These are some old pictures of an outreach we did in collaboration with the boy scouts in the early summer of 2020.

Our 2020-2021 Season Robot Pictures
This year’s robot from the front Our robot from a corner view
Side of our robot with the wobble goal arm up Bottom of our robot with the mechanome drive wheels
Left Bumper and Right Bumper for aiding our robot’s pickup mechanism
Our pick up Wheel that we cut to grip the rings better
Wobble arm Close up of the side of our robot
2020 Season Pictures

Here’s some pictures from the 2020 competition season